Ofer Rog
Associate Professorof Biological Sciences
Chromosome Biology, Meiosis, Synaptonemal Complex, C. elegans, Yeast, Microscopy

Molecular Biology Program
B.Sc. & M.Sc. Tel-Aviv University
Ph.D. University College London and Cancer Research UK
Chromosome-wide regulation is of paramount importance for almost all aspects of biology and for human health. During sexual reproduction, regulated interactions between chromosomes are crucial for delivering the correct number of chromosomes to each gamete. Interactions between chromosomes are also essential for shuffling of genetic information and generation of genetic diversity. Our lab is studying a conserved protein complex that assembles between meiotic chromosomes in almost all eukaryotes — the synaptonemal complex (SC). The structure of the SC has intrigued biologists for decades: it is composed of regular striations that span the interface between perfectly parallel homologous chromosomes. The SC is essential for intimate associations between homologous chromosomes and it also regulates genetic exchanges. We combine a novel biophysical understanding of the SC, live microscopy innovations, and emerging genome editing technologies to observe chromosomes and to understand how the SC works.
References (Selected Publications)
- Almanzar DE., Gordon SG.*, Bristow C.*, Hamrick A.*, von Diezmann L., Liu H. and Rog O. (2023) “Meiotic DNA exchanges in C. elegans are promoted by proximity to the synaptonemal complex.” Life Science Alliance 6(4): e202301906.(*equally contributing authors)10.26508/lsa.202301906
- Kursel LE.*, Cope HD., Rog O.* (2021) “Unconventional conservation reveals structure-function relationships in the synaptonemal complex.“ eLife 10: e72061.10.7554/eLife.72061 (*co-corresponding authors)
- Gordon SG., Kursel LE., Xu K., Rog O. (2021) “Synaptonemal Complex dimerization regulates chromosome alignment and crossover patterning in meiosis.” PLoS Genetics 17(3): e1009205. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1009205
- Almanzar DE., Gordon SG., Rog O. (2021) “Meiotic sister chromatid exchanges are rare in C. elegans.” Current Biology 31(7): 1499-1507. 10.1016/j.cub.2020.11.018 (Highlighted in: Billmyre KK., Hughes SE. (2021) “Meiosis: the elusive sister chromatid repair.” Current Biology 31(9): PR454-456.)
- Rog O.*, Köhler S., Dernburg AF.* (2017) “The synaptonemal complex has liquid crystalline properties and spatially regulates meiotic recombination factors.” eLife 6: e21455. 10.7554/eLife.21455 (*co-corresponding authors)
- Rog O., Dernburg AF. (2015) “Direct visualization reveals kinetics of meiotic chromosome synapsis.” Cell Reports 10(10): 1639-1645. 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.02.032
- Wynne DJ., Rog O., Carlton PM., Dernburg AF. (2012) “Dynein-Dependent Processive Chromosome Motions Promote Homologous Pairing in C. elegans Meiosis.” Journal of Cell Biology 196(1): 47-64. 10.1083/jcb.201106022
- Rog O., Miller KM., Ferreira MG., Cooper JP. (2009) “Sumoylation of RecQ helicase controls the fate of dysfunctional telomeres.” Molecular Cell 33(5): 559-69. 10.1016/j.molcel.2009.01.027
- Miller KM.*, Rog O.*, Cooper JP. (2006) “Semi-conservative DNA replication through telomeres requires Taz1.” Nature 440(7085): 824-828. (*equally contributing authors) 10.1038/nature04638